11: Other Testimonies
The following sections are included:
T/9 — Testimony of Giuseppe Cocconi (18th July 1965)
T/10 — Letter from Bruno Pontecorvo (9th April 1975)
T/11 — Letter Regarding Bruno Touschek (29th October 1976)
T/12 — Testimony of GianCarlo Wick (16th October 1978)
T/13 — Letter from Franco Rasetti (4th January 1979)
T/14 — Testimonies of Franco Rasetti (22nd June 1984)
T/15 — Testimony of Rudolf Peierls (2nd July 1984)
T/16 — Letter from Emilio Segre (2nd October 1987)
T/17 — Calligraphy Examination (6th May 1972)