Section IV: Bioinformatics of Cytogenetic Complex and Viral Omic Landscape
In the realm of bioinformatics, two other vital topics of interest that are covered in this section: (1) cytogenetic informatics, a branch of bioinformatics pertinent to entropy perspectives of genetic biology in ascertaining informatic aspects of structures and functions of a biological cell. Furthermore, such organelle level informatic studies include chromosomal synteny details of a cellular complex and (2) viral informatics on ascertaining exclusive omic details framed by viral species, and the associated bioinformatics implies thematic efforts on multiple sequences, for example, of a viral serovar that yield results on identifying the associated motifs useful in rational vaccine designs. Hence, the landscape of this section thus includes the following two chapters:
Chapter 7: Bioinformatics of Cellular Complex and Chromosomal Synteny
Chapter 8: Bioinformatics of Viral Omics