Experimental Investigations of Hadron Structure
Pions and kaons occupy a special role in nature and thus have a central role in our current description of nucleon and nuclear structure. The pion is the lightest quark system, with a single valence quark and a single valence antiquark. It is also the particle responsible for the long range character of the strong interaction that binds the atomic nucleus together. A general belief is that the rules governing the strong interaction are left-right, i.e. chirally, symmetric. If this were true, the pion would have no mass. The chiral symmetry of massless Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD) is broken dynamically by quark-gluon interactions and explicitly by inclusion of light quark masses, giving the pion and kaon mass. The pion and kaon are thus seen as the key to confirm the mechanism that dynamically generates nearly all of the mass of hadrons and central to the effort to understand hadron structure.