Molecule pictures for the LHCb Pc states
The first two pentaquark candidates Pc(4380) and Pc(4450) were observed by LHCb Collaboration in 2015. Recently, they presented their improved measurements in the Pc energy range, that a new narrow signal denoted as Pc(4312) is reported and the previous observed structure Pc(4450) is resolved into two narrow states, Pc(4440) and Pc(4457) while there is no obvious signal for the broad state Pc(4380). We analyze the strong decays of these Pc states systematically in the hadronic molecule pictures. With the effective Lagrangian method, the partial widths of these Pc decaying into all allowed channels are estimated. Our results show that these Pc states are good candidates of the S-wave ˉDΣc,ˉDΣ*c¯¯¯DΣc,¯¯¯DΣ∗c and ˉD*Σc¯¯¯D*Σc molecules. Also other possible flavor and spin partners of Pc states are investigated in the present work.