Axial coordination reactions with nitrogenous bases and determination of equilibrium constants for zinc tetraarylporphyrins containing four β,β′-fused butano and benzo groups in nonaqueous media
This paper is part of the 2019 Women in Porphyrin Science special issue.
The axial coordination properties of six zinc tetraarylporphyrins with seven different nitrogenous bases were examined in CH2Cl2 for derivatives containing four β,β′-fused butano or benzo groups and the equilibrium constants (logK) determined using spectral titration methods. The examined compounds are represented as butano(YPh)4PorZn and benzo(YPh)4PorZn, where Por is the porphyrin dianion and Y is a CH3, H or Cl substituent on the para-position of each meso-phenyl ring of the macrocycle. The initial four-coordinate butano- and benzoporphyrins will axially bind one nitrogenous base to form five-coordinate derivatives in CH2Cl2 and this leads to a 4–22 nm red-shift of the Soret and Q bands. The logK values range from 1.98 to 4.69 for butano(YPh)4PorZn and from 3.42 to 5.36 for benzo(YPh)4PorZn, with the exact value depending upon the meso and β-substituents of the porphyrin and the conjugate acid dissociation constants (pKa) of the nitrogenous base.