Chapter 17: Leasing: Theory and Practice
The following sections are included:
Reasons and Types of Leasing Arrangements
Direct leasing
Sale and leaseback
Leverage leasing
Accounting for Leases
Capital lease treatment
Accounting for operating leases
Accounting for leases from the lessor’s standpoint
Lease Accounting Updates
Key updates & changes to leasing standards under U.S. GAAP
Revised criteria for determination of operating versus capital lease
Updates to leasing standards under IFRS
Impacts of new leasing standards to financial statements & ratios
Cash Flow Estimation and Present Value Analysis of Lease or Buy Alternatives
Present value — Lease
Present value — Buy
Valuation of Riskless and Risky Cash Flows for the Lease or Buy Decision
CAPM and the Lease of Buy Decision
Options to Evaluate Salvage Values in Financial Leases
Appendix 17A — Derivation of Discount Rate for Riskless Cash Flows
Appendix 17B — Application of APV Method for Leasing Decision