Chapter 4.2: History and Sociology of Materials Science & Engineering Professional Societies and Associations
This chapter is dedicated to the memory of Arne Hessenbruch. Dr. Arne Hessenbruch (1958–2023), the co-creator with Dr. Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent of these four volumes on the history of materials, died unexpectedly on 12 January 2023, just as this contribution was being written. It has been this author’s privilege to have spent countless hours, for more than seven years, talking with Arne about materials archaeology and anthropology, development of academic materials fields, materials professional societies and associations, and the personalities that have dominated the 20th- and early-21st-century history of the great human materials endeavor. Arne held a lecturer appointment in MIT’s department of Materials Science & Engineering, so he was an academic colleague as well as an intellectual sparring partner and a dear friend, one whose contribution to understanding the materials science field of endeavor will be sorely missed, here, and throughout the world. It is an honor to dedicate this contribution to his memory.
The following sections are included:
Materials in Human Experience
Specialization and Continuity
Professional Societies, Associations, and Institutes
The Great Amalgamation: Materials Science & Engineering
Social Function and the Greater Community