Chapter 7: COVID-19 and Learning Experiences of Women Entrepreneurial Leaders: An Indian Context
This chapter aims to explore the factors that motivate or demotivate women entrepreneurs to continue their businesses amid COVID-19 in the context of the Indian environment and the leadership style approached by women entrepreneurs amid COVID-19. The study has employed qualitative research methods (thematic analysis) for the data collection and data analysis. The authors conducted in-depth semi-structured interviews with the participants to collect the required data for the study. The study highlighted various motivating and demotivating factors for women entrepreneurs in small businesses to continue their business in India during the pandemic period. The factors that motivated women entrepreneurs amid COVID-19 to continue their business are support from family and society for enhanced homely responsibilities, favourable nature of business in which women are operating, considering adversity as an opportunity and self-assessment of their skills because of the unprecedented situation of COVID-19. But the lack of family support, the unfavourable nature of business and having a high risk of infection from COVID-19 demotivated them from continuing their business. The study will help the government and other policy-makers devise strategies and policy frameworks to enhance the motivation level of women entrepreneurs to continue their business. The study will also help gain deeper insights into the problems associated with women’s entrepreneurship.