The following sections are included:
Analytic Number Theory Methods
Chowla's result and the distribution of values of positive definite quadratic forms at integer points
Diagonal forms in n≥5 variables
A modification of the theorem of Davenport and Heilbronn
Results for general quadratic forms
Oppenheim Conjecture And Subgroup Actions On Homogeneous Spaces
Paper [CaS] of Cassels and Swinnerton-Dyer
Paper [CaS] (continuation)
Closures of orbits of orthogonal groups and integer solutions of quadratic inequalities
Quantitative results
Markov spectrum
Unipotent Flows On Homogeneous Spaces
Growth properties of polynomials
Unipotent groups of linear transformations
Recurrence to compact sets
Finiteness of ergodic measures
General properties of minimal invariant sets
Topological limits of double cosets in algebraic groups
Proof of Theorem 2.3.4 (a)
Conjectures of Dani and Raghunathan. Uniform distribution
Ratner's results on unipotent flows