This is an abbreviated version of the chapter under the same title from B. Sakita, A Quest for Symmetry (World Scientific, Singapore, 1999).
In the spring of 1967 I stayed at the ICTP in Trieste for five months. Towards the end of the stay K. C. Wali and I traveled to Israel, specifically the Weizmann Institute for ten days at the invitation of H. J. Lipkin. When we arrived in Israel we found that the atmosphere was extremely tense and people busy preparing for a war with the neighboring Arabic countries. Although the touristy places were deserted, we could manage to rent a car to visit many places including Jerusalem, Haifa and Acre. Since most of the young Israeli physicists had already been drafted, the physicists working at the Institute were mainly foreigners, among whom were H. Rubinstein, G. Veneziano and M. Virasoro. They were working together on superconvergence relations, which was a subject that I was also interested in at that time. In the discussions we had during this visit, the dual resonance program must have come up, since I remember that afterward in Trieste I started discussing with others about the possibility of constructing scattering amplitudes by summing only the s-channel resonance poles. We left Israel as scheduled on June 4 and the very next day in Ankara, Turkey we heard of the outbreak of the Six Day War…