I risultati conseguiti in questo lavoro sono stati esposti nella conferenza tenuta il 16 marzo 1971.
Research supported in part by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research, Air Force Systems Command. USAF under AFOSR Contract F44620-67-C-0049.
Let (Ω, ℱ, P) be a probability space and X = {Xt, t > 0} a homogeneous Markov process adapted to the Borel subfields {ℱt} of ℱ. The process X is supposed to be measurable and it takes values in (E, ε), where E is a locally compact space with countable base and ε its Borel field. The transition function Pt(x, A), t > 0, x ε E, A ∈ ε, is Borelian in (t, x). The field family {ℱt} is augmented by all P-null sets but not necessarily right continuous. A stopping time relative to {ℱt+} will be called « optional » here. The augmented Borel field generated by (…) will be denoted by σ(…). CK denotes the class of functions continuous on E and having compact supports. « Almost surely » (« a.s. ») refers to P and is often omitted in an obvious context. Any statement below regarding XT is automatically understood to be under the proviso « a.s. on {T < ∞} » since X∞ is not defined. « The path » is a circumlocution for « almost all paths ». The symbol « ↑ » means « increasing » but not necessarily strictly. Other terminology, notation and conventions follow generally those in [1] and [5]…