Quantum Information Theory
The following sections are included:
The density matrix
The density matrix for a qubit
Composite systems
The quantum copying machine
The Schmidt decomposition
The Kraus representation
Measurement of the density matrix for a qubit
Generalized measurements
Weak measurements
POVM measurements
The Shannon entropy
Classical data compression
Shannon's noiseless coding theorem
Examples of data compression
The von Neumann entropy
Example 1: source of orthogonal pure states
Example 2: source of non-orthogonal pure states
Quantum data compression
Schumacher's quantum noiseless coding theorem
Compression of an n-qubit message
Example 1: two-qubit messages
Example 2: three-qubit messages
Accessible information
The Holevo bound
Example 1: two non-orthogonal pure states
Example 2: three non-orthogonal pure states
Entanglement concentration and von Neumann entropy
The Peres separability criterion
Entropies in physics
Thermodynamic entropy
Statistical entropy
Dynamical Kolmogorov–Sinai entropy
A guide to the bibliography