Galactic Variable Sources Observed with H.E.S.S.
H.E.S.S., a system of imaging Cherenkov telescopes, is dedicated to the observation of TeV gamma-rays. Within the first years of operation a number of objects were detected, most of these objects were previously not known to be TeV emitters. The observed TeV emission is crucial for the understanding of particle acceleration in the sources.
Here I will review the results obtained on Galactic sources expected to show variable emission. Variable emission was detected with high significance from the binary systems PSR B1259−63 / SS 2883 and LS5039. The emission of the latter object appears to be periodic in accordance with the orbit. No pulsed emission from pulsars was detected so far. For three pulsars (PSR B0531+21, PSR B0833−45, PSR B1706−44) upper limits on the TeV emission at the EGRET pulse phases were derived.