The following sections are included:
Three-dimensional Rotations
Fundamental Concept of a Lie Group
The Composition Functions of a Lie Group
The Local Property of a Lie Group
Generators and Differential Operators
The Adjoint Representation of a Lie Group
The Global Property of a Lie Group
The Covering Group of SO(3)
The Group SU(2)
Homomorphism of SU(2) onto SO(3)
The Group Integral
Irreducible Representations of SU(2)
Euler Angles
Linear Representations of SU(2)
Spherical Harmonics Functions
The Lie Theorems
Clebsch–Gordan Coefficients of SU(2)
Direct Product of Representations
Calculation of Clebsch–Gordan Coefficients
Sum of Three Angular Momentums
Tensors and Spinors
Vector Fields
Tensor Fields
Spinor Fields
Total Angular Momentum Operator
Irreducible Tensor Operators and Their Application
Irreducible Tensor Operators
Wigner–Eckart Theorem
Selection Rule and Relative Intensity of Radiation
Landé Factor and Zeeman Effects
An Isolated Quantum n-body System
Separation of the Motion of Center-of-Mass
Quantum Two-body System
Quantum Three-body System
Quantum n-body System