The following sections are included:
Multiplication of Permutations
Classes in a Permutation Group
Alternating Subgroups
Transposition of Two Neighbored Objects
Young Patterns, Young Tableaux, and Young Operators
Young Patterns
Young Tableaux
Young Operators
Fundamental Property of Young Operators
Products of Young Operators
Irreducible Representations of Sn
Primitive Idempotents in the Group Algebra of Sn
Orthogonal Primitive Idempotents of Sn
Calculation of Representation Matrices for Sn
Calculation of Characters by Graphic Method
The Permutation Group S3
Inner Product of Irreducible Representations of Sn
Real Orthogonal Representation of Sn
Outer Product of Irreducible Representations of Sn
Representations of Sn+m and Its Subgroup Sn ⊗ Sm
Littlewood–Richardson Rule