Computational methods are currently available to perform vulnerability assessments of conventional structures and fixed facilities that are exposed to the effects of large-yield blast events. However, the same capabilities do not exist for expeditionary structures and field fortifications, which are integral parts of current US military base camps. Therefore, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Engineer Research and Development Center (ERDC), has begun a research and development initiative directed towards developing this type of vulnerability assessment capability for field fortifications. As a part of the experimental program, attention will also be focused on identification of field expedient methods to modify these structures for the purpose of further protection from blast effects.
Initial efforts, begun in FY 2004, are focused on methodology development and gathering of a representative experimental data set that would be required to support computational assessments. The experimental processes used to gather data are tri-fold, and include high-performance computing simulations, scaled modeling and full scale validations. The results of initial activities in each of these areas are presented herein.