Realization of a fast algorithm in iris recognition
This work was supported by the State 863 Program (2003AA148040), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant number 10471151,60216263, 6990312), New Century Excellent Talent Support Project of Chinese Ministry of Education, Doctor Station Foundation of Chinese Ministry of Education, Chongqing Tackle Key Problem Program and Chongqing Natural Science Foundation.
Irises can be distinguished mainly due to textural or structural difference among them. In order to acquire a high recognition rate, the edge information of iris images must be employed. This paper proposed an algorithm of iris recognition based on wavelet transform. The method includes three parts: the pretreatment of the iris image, extraction of texture, matching and recognizing of iris texture. By using the abundant texture information provides by the iris images, we used the Haar wavelet transformation for texture extraction and Hamming Distant (HD) for match. This algorithm is not sensitive to illumination, noise and translation such as zoom and rotation. Experiment showed that this method achieved a recognition rate of 98.70%, it can be used in a personal identification system.