Based on the Agent for The Semantic Model of the semantic balance and restriction of Chinese Context
At first there are few researches of the Chinese context formalization at present in Chinese understanding. So the character of formalization of the semantic balance and restriction, which have been summarized from the Chinese context's concepts, and the combination of the character of agent's BDI thinking state have been presented for the research of the Chinese context formalization. And the model of the semantic restriction has been set up for the single agent inner thinking state for the Chinese producing system, and the model of the semantic balance for the multi agents producing language has been set up. The two models have formed the context semantic model based on multi-agents. The related couple of semantic relation and the arithmetic of semantic composing have been presented in the thesis. The lab system of politics semanteme has been set up for the application of information security content judging and identifying. The example of “Three representative” has been tested through this model.