Trapping Single Atoms with Single Photons in Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
The following sections are included:
The Simple One-Atom Maser
The Two-Photon Maser
Trapping Single Atoms in a MOT
Coupling Single Atoms to a High-Finesse Optical Cavity
Coupling of Single Slow Cesium Atoms to a High-Finesse Optical Cavity
Cooling an Atom Strongly Coupled to a High-Q Standing Wave Cavity
Real-Time CQED and Atom Channeling with Single Atoms
Formation of Giant Quasi-Bound Cold Diatoms by Strong Atom–Cavity Coupling
Single Atoms Trapped in Orbit by Single Photons
The Atom Cavity Microscope
Dynamics of Single Atom Motion in the Field of a Single Photon
Commentary on CQED in Nature's “News and Views”
Experimental Realization of a One-Atom Laser in the Regime of Strong Coupling
Cavity Cooling of a Single Atom
Deterministic Generation of Single Photons from One Atom Trapped in a Cavity