Abstract: Let V be a complex-analytic variety of complex dimension n which is the complexification of its real trace V0, so that V0 is a real-analytic variety of real dimension n, and let X be a complex-analytic subvariety of complex dimension r in V such that X0 = X ∩ V0 has the real dimension r (and hence 
). If we denote by ϕ(X) and ϕ(V0) the homology classes mod 2 determined by X and V0 respectively as topological cycles mod 2 in V, then their intersection class ϕ (X) · ϕ (V0), with due regard for their supports, can be considered as an element in H2r-n(V0, Z2). On the other hand, X0 is also a topological cycle mod 2 in V0 and hence determines an element ψ(X0) in Hr(V°, Z2). It is natural to ask about the relation between these two elements ϕ(X) · ϕ(V°) and ψ(X0) in H*(V0, Z2), since roughly speaking they represent respectively the algebraic intersection and the geometric intersection of X and V0. We shall give here an answer to this question for the case where V and X are algebraic…
Dedication: To B. L. van der Waerden on his 60th birthday