Supersymmetry, Supergravity and Superstring
The Table of Contents for the book is as follows:
International Advisory Committee/Local Organizing Committee
Neutrino oscillations in a “predictive” SUSY GUT
CP violating phases in SUSY GUT models
Anomalous U(1) symmetries and string duality
Aspects of heterotic M-theory phenomenology
The µ-parameter of supersymmetry
On soft SUSY breaking parameters in string models with anomalous U(1) symmetry
M-theory inspired low energy phenomenology
Soft CP violation in supersymmetric models
Indirect search for supersymmetry
Effects of At and µ phases on B and K physics in the effective supersymmetric models
Supersymmetry and CP violation at colliders
Supersymmetry and future colliders
New constraint on the minimal SUSY GUT model from proton decay
Nonlinear supersymmetric standard model
Finite and gauge-yukawa unified theories: Theory and predictions
Decoupling solution to the supersymmetric flavor problem without color instability
Quintessence, flat potential and string/M theory axion
Non-baryonic dark matter — Where are we?
Hybrid inflation with a running inflaton mass and observational constraints
Cold dark matter production from thermal U(1)B–L MSSM inflation
Some aspects on DLCQ M theory
ADS/CFT and elastic parton–parton scattering
Phenomenology of gauge bosons in extra dimensions
Collider signatures of large extra dimensions
Axion in large extra dimension