Dynamic Instabilities in Spinning Disks
The dynamics of rotating disks involves a multiplicity of fractionally induced and parametric vibration phenomena, which, in turn, can have a considerable effect on machine and installation performance. This article is intended to review and highlight the most significant phenomena, and therefore to indicate the level of understanding of disk dynamics that has now been reached. Sections 13.1 to 13.3 review the fundamentals of plate and disk vibrations and the dynamics of rotating membranes and disks, whilst section 13.4 gives an overview of the effects of imperfections in the form of asymmetries. Section 13.5 introduces the additional complexity of external spring-mass-damper loads on a disk, initially for the case of a stationary disk and a moving load, then vice versa, with follower force models given in sections 13.6 and 13.7. The role of the negative (-velocity characteristic in conjunction with parametric excitation due to a follower force is also examined in section 13.7.