The following sections are included:
Liquid Fluoromethane CH3F
The Rotational Cell Model (RCM)
Liquid Trifluoromethane CHF3
Application of the CR Model with Fitted Parameters
Application of the CR Model / Rotational Cell Model
Prediction of the Critical Temperature
Determination of Tcr from the Condition, Imposed on the Libration Amplitude
Determination of Tcr from the Minimum τD(τ) Condition
On the Nature of Liquid → Solid Phase Transition
Molecular Interpretation of the “Rotational” Lifetime τ in the Light of the Debye Rotational Diffusion Theory
Relation of the Potential Welldepth to Dielectric Spectra
Dielectric Spectra and the Potential Welldepth
Dependence of the Welldepth on Temperature
The Polarizability A"(v) Spectra
Distortion of the Cole-Cole Diagram due to Micro Heterogeneity
Isotropic Potential and the Self-Diffusion Coefficient