Ordinary Differential Equations Epidemic Models
The following sections are included:
Simple SIRS Epidemic Models with Vital Dynamics
SIRS models with constant immigration and exponential death
SIRS models with bilinear incidence
SIRS models with standard incidence
SIRS models with logistic growth
Equilibrium and threshold
Stability analysis
Global stability of the equilibria for specific case: α = 0 or a = 0
Epidemic Models with Latent Period
Method I: Proving global stability using the Poincaré–Bendixson property
Method II: Proving global stability using autonomous convergence theorems
Application of method I
Application of method II
Epidemic Models with Immigration or Dispersal
Epidemic models with immigration
SIR model with no immigration of infectives
SIR model with immigration of infectives
Epidemic models with dispersal
Epidemic Models with Multiple Groups
The global stability of epidemic model only with differential susceptibility
The global stability of epidemic model only with differential infectivity
Epidemic Models with Different Populations
Disease spread in prey–predator system
Disease spread only in the prey population
Disease spread in prey–predator populations
Disease spread in competitive population systems
Epidemic Models with Control and Prevention
Epidemic models with quarantine
SIQS model with bilinear incidence
SIQR model with quarantine-adjusted incidence
Epidemic models with vaccination
The existence and local stability of equilibria
Global analysis of (2.97)
Epidemic models with treatment
Backward bifurcation
Hopf and Bogdanov–Takens bifurcations
Hopf bifurcation
Bogdanov–Takens bifurcations
Persistence of Epidemic Models
Persistence of epidemic models of autonomous ordinary differential equations
Persistence of epidemic models of nonautonomous ordinary differential system