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Adiabatic Gravitational Perturbation Growth During Preheating

    Paper in the 4th International Workshop on COSMO2000, the Early Universe and Particle Physics, Sept.4-Sept.8, 2000, Cheju Island of Korea. This job is supported in part by the National Nature Science Foundation of P.R.China. by:0 (Source: Crossref)

    The early Universe inflation11 is well known as a promising theory to explain the origin of large scale structure of the Universe, that is, an established causal theory for the origin of primordial density fluctuations which may interpret the observed density inhomogeneities and cosmic microwave fluctuations in the very early Universe. This theoretical framework can solve the early universe pressing problems in the standard Hot Big Bang theory1. In the single field inflation model, we study the possibilitis of parametric amplification of the gravitational perturbation, and we find that there is no additional growth of the super-horizon modes during reheating beyond the usual predictions by giving a general analytic explanation as well as the numerical results for it.