Dynamical Response of a Bose-Einstein Condensate to a Discontinuous Change in Internal State
A two-photon transition is used to convert an arbitrary fraction of the 87Rb atoms in a |F = 1, mf = −1〉 condensate to the |F = 2, mf = 1〉 state. Transferring the entire population imposes a discontinuous change on the condensate's mean-field repulsion, which leaves a residual ringing in the condensate width. A calculation based on Gross-Pitaevskii theory agrees well with the observed behavior, and from the comparison we obtain the ratio of the intraspecies scattering lengths for the two states, a|1,−1〉/a|2,1〉 = 1.062(12). [S0031-9007(98)06574-0]