Methods of Achieving Simultaneous Relaxation of Electronic and Ionic Degrees of Freedom
The following sections are included:
Kohn-Sham approach
Solving Kohn-Sham equations for a given ionic geometry
Iterative schemes for diagonalization of huge matrices
Evaluation of electronic charge density
Application of group theory in charge density evaluation
Special k-points scheme for Brillouin zone summation
Solving Kohn-Sham equations self-consistently
Evaluation of total energy and Hellmann-Feynman forces
Conjugate gradient scheme for ionic geometry optimization
Remarks on the Kohn-Sham method for ground state electronic and atomic calculations
Car-Parrinello's molecular dynamics approach
Relaxation of electronic degrees of freedom
Relaxation of ionic degrees of freedom
Remarks and further considerations on the simultaneous relaxation of electronic and ionic degrees of freedom
Global energy minimization by simulated annealing