The following sections are included:
Various Approaches to the Fractional Calculus
Some history
Basic definitions; Riemann–Liouville and Weyl approaches
Three examples
Approaches by Hadamard, by contour integration and other methods
Leibniz Rule and Applications; Semigroups of Operators
Fractional Leibniz rule for functions
Fractional Landau-Kallman-Rota-Hille inequalities for operators
The behaviour of semigroup operators at zero and infinity with rates
Liouville-Grünwald, Marchaud and Riesz Fractional Derivatives
Liouville-Grünwald derivatives and their chief properties
A crucial proposition; basic theorems
The point-wise Liouville-Grünwald fractional derivative
Extensions and applications of the Liouville-Grünwald calculus
The Marchaud fractional derivative
Equivalence of the Weyl and Marchaud fractional derivatives
Riesz derivatives on ℝ
Various Applications
Integral representations of special functions
Stirling functions of the first kind
Stirling functions of the second kind
Euler functions
Eulerian numbers E(α, k) for α ∈ ℝ
The Bernoulli functions Bα(x) for α ∈ ℝ
Ordinary and partial differential equations and other applications
Integral Transforms and Fractional Calculus
Fourier transforms
Mellin transforms
Laplace transforms and characterizations of fractional derivatives