The Calculus of Variations
The following sections are included:
Foundations of the Calculus of Variations
A Simple Minimization Problem
Methods of the Calculus of Variations
Euler's First Equation
Extremal Values of an Integral
Jacobi Equation*
Euler's Second Equation
Path of Shortest Distance and Geodesic Equation
Geodesic equation*
Geodesic equation on a sphere
Classical Variational Problems
Isoperimetric Problem
Brachistochrone Problem
Fermat's Principle of Least Time
Light Propagation in a Nonuniform Medium
Snell's Law
Application of Fermat's Principle
Geometric Formulation of Ray Optics*
Frenet-Serret Curvature of Light Path
Light Propagation in Spherical Geometry
Geodesic Representation of Light Propagation
Vacuum-metric case
Medium-metric case
Jacobi equation for light propagation
Wavefront Representation