Elements of Differential Calculus over Commutative Algebras
The following sections are included:
Algebraic Tools
General Conventions
Differential Operators
Additive Functions on Tensor Products
Some Basic Facts
Equivalence of Categories
Smooth Manifolds
Dual Space
Geometric Algebras
Natural Topology
Dual Map
Restriction Algebra
Smooth Algebras
C∞ –closed Algebras
Smooth Manifolds
Smooth Maps
Associated Homomorphism
Smoothness Condition
Classical Definition of Manifolds
Associated Atlas
The Equivalence ∊: 𝔖𝔐a → 𝔖𝔐c
Smooth Envelope
Smooth Tensor Product
Cartesian Product
Embeddings of Factors of a Product
Tangent Vectors
Differential of a Smooth Map
Local Description of Submanifolds
Closed Embeddings
Vector Bundles
Geometric Modules
Vector Bundles
Morphisms of Vector Bundles over the Same Base
Induced Bundle
Pull-back by a Composition of Maps
Morphisms of Vector Bundles
Composition of Morphisms
Associated Homomorphism with a Regular Morphism of Vector Bundles
Universal Property of the Induced Bundle
Standard Trivial Bundles
Identification Isomorphisms
Uniform Morphisms
Geometric Definition of Vector Bundles
Vector Bundle Morphisms from a Geometric Viewpoint
Module of Smooth Sections of a Geometrically Defined Vector Bundle
The Total Space as a Smooth Manifold
Geometric Criterion for Vector Bundle Morphisms
Equivalence Between 𝔙𝔅g and 𝔙𝔅
Vector Fields
Smooth Vector Fields
Image of a Vector Field
Commutator of Vector Fields
Restriction on Open Submanifolds
Extension from Closed Submanifolds
Tangent Bundle
Vector Fields Along Maps
Local Vector Fields
Splitting of Vector Fields on a Product Manifold
Differential Forms
Differential Forms with Values in a Module
Cotangent Bundle
The Ordinary Differential
Universal Property of First Order Differential Forms
Action of Smooth Maps on 1-Forms
Geometric Description of Λ1 (f*)
Exterior Differential
de Rham Complex
Wedge Product
Leibnitz Rule for the Exterior Differential
Action of Smooth Maps on de Rham Complexes
Geometric Description of Λ• (f*)
Insertion Operator
Leibnitz Rule for Insertion Operators
Differential Forms Along Maps
Wedge Product of Differential Forms Along Maps
Insertion Along Maps
Leibnitz Rule for Insertions Along Maps
Local Differential Forms
Splitting of Differential Forms on a Product Manifold
Splitting of Derivations
Splitting of Tangent Vectors
Lie Derivative
Flow Generated by a Vector Field
Flows on a Manifold with Boundary
Relative Intervals
Smooth Dependence on the Initial Data
One-parameter Group Generated by a Vector Field
Smooth Families of Smooth Maps
Smooth Families of Vector Fields
Time-dependent Vector Field Associated with a One-parameter Family of Diffeomorphisms
Smooth Families of Differential Forms
Derivative of a Time-dependent Differential Form
Lie Derivative of Differential Forms
Cartan Formula
Leibnitz Rule for Lie Derivatives