The following sections are included:
Pulse Radiolysis System
Fourier Transform Infrared System
UV Spectra of Fluorinated Peroxy Radicals
Kinetics of the Reactions of CH2FO2, CHF2O2, CF3O2, CF3CF2O2, CF2HCF2O2 and CF3CFHO2 with NO
FTIR Product Studies of the Cl Atom Initiated Oxidation of a Series of HFCs
CH3F (HFC-41)
FTIR Study of the Cl Atom Initiated Oxidation of CH3F
Implications for the Atmospheric Chemistry of CH3F
CH2F2 (HFC-32)
FTIR Study of the Cl Atom Initiated Oxidation of CH2F2
Implications for the Atmospheric Chemistry of CH2F2
CF3H (HFC-23)
FTIR Study of the F Atom Initiated Oxidation of CF3H
Implications for the Atmospheric Chemistry of CF3H
CF3CF2H (HFC-125)
FTIR Study of the Cl Atom Initiated Oxidation of CF3CF2H
Implications for the Atmospheric Chemistry of CF3CF2H
CHF2CHF2 (HFC-134)
FTIR Study of the Cl Atom Initiated Oxidation of CHF2CHF2
Implications for the Atmospheric Chemistry of CHF2CHF2
CF3CFH2 (HFC-134a)
FTIR Study of the Cl and F Atom Initiated Oxidation of CF3CFH2
The Effect of Total Pressure
The Effect of Temperature
Dark Chemistry; Evidence for the Formation of CF3CFHO3CF3
Source of CF3OH
Atmospheric Fate of CF3O Radicals: Reaction with H2O
Atmospheric Chemistry of CF3O Radicals
Implications for the Atmospheric Chemistry of HFC-134a
Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Work