Chapter 10: Shock-Wave and Finite-Strain Equations of State at Large Expansion
The empirically observed linear relationship between shock-wave velocity and particle velocity is compatible with the Eulerian finite-strain equation of state under tension as well as compression, identifying an ideal value of dynamic strength −PH = K0S/(K0S’ + 1) and dynamic cohesive energy EH − E0 = 8V0K0S/(K0S’ + 1)2 (V, K and K’ are volume, bulk modulus and its pressure derivative; subscripts 0, S and H refer to zero-pressure, isentrope and Hugoniot states). The corresponding finitestrain estimate of the isentropic cohesive energy is ES − E0 = 9V0K0S(2 + 2n − K0S’)/(2n3), with strain parameter n = 2 for the Eulerian (spatial) frame of reference.