Valuation and Capital Structure: A Review and Integration
The following sections are included:
Components of Capital Structure
Opportunity Cost, Required Rate-of-Return, and the Cost of Capital
Bond Valuation
Term Bonds
Preferred Stock
Common-Stock Valuation
Inflation and Common Stock Valuation
Growth Opportunity and Common-Stock Valuation
Financial Leverage and Its Effect on EPS
Degree of Financial Leverage and Combined Effect
Optimal Capital Structure
Overall Discussion
Arbitrage Process and the Proof of M&M Proposition I
Possible Reasons for Optimal Capital Structure
The Traditional Approach of Optimal Capital Structure
Bankruptcy Costs
Agency Costs
Imperfect Markets
Summary and Remarks
Questions and Problems
Appendix 6.A. Convertible-Security Valuation Theory
Appendix 6.B. Derivation of DOL, DFL, and CML
Appendix 6.C Derivation of Dividend Discount Model
References for Appendix 6
References for Chapter 6