Chapter 8: Berni Alder and Phase Transitions in Two Dimensions
I do not know Berni Alder as a person, but I feel that I know him well through his seminal paper “Phase Transition in Elastic Disks𠇍 by B. J. Alder and T. E. Wainwright [1962], which was essential in motivating David Thouless and myself to think about phase transitions in two dimensional systems with a continuous symmetry. In the early 1970’s, the conventional wisdom was that a crystalline solid could not exist in a two dimensional world because of the rigorous Mermin-Wagner theorem prohibiting true long range translational order at any non-zero temperature. This contradiction was settled by the theory of dislocation mediated melting to an intermediate hexatic phase followed by a second transition to the isotropic fluid at a higher temperature. This scenario, with its associated sophisticated theory, seemed to settle the controversy of two dimensional melting once and for all. However, in our elation at understanding the fundamental physics and the essential excitations of melting in 2D, we had all forgotten that the early work of Berni Alder also showed that this melting involved a weak first order transition while theory now predicted melting by two successive continuous transitions with no discontinuity in area at the critical pressure. This discrepancy could be hand waved away by arguing that Berni’s system was far too small and his computers far too slow so that the areal discontinuity could be due to finite size effects or to failing to equilibrate the system. Experiments were not able to resolve the order of the transitions, but seemed to agree quantitatively with theory…