Single Neutron Structure of Neutron-Rich N = 50 Nuclei
Single-particle transfer reactions are typically measured at energies where only a peripheral reaction can occur, without probing the interior of the nuclear wave function. At low energies (≈5 MeV/u), spectroscopic factors cannot be reliably extracted without a detailed description of the bound-state potential. Mukhamedzhanov and Nunes have proposed a method to constrain the shape of the bound state potential by combining transfer reaction measurements at two different energies. The external contribution of the wave function is extracted using a peripheral reaction, and is combined with a higher energy measurement which probes the nuclear interior more deeply. These two measurements should constrain the single-particle asymptotic normalization coefficient, ANC, and enable spectroscopic factors to be deduced with uncertainties dominated by the cross-section measurements rather than the bound-state potential. Published measurements of 86Kr(d,p) at 5.5 MeV/u were used to determine the external contribution of this reaction. At less-peripheral energies, 86Kr(d,p) at 35 MeV/u has been measured in inverse kinematics at the NSCL using the OR- RUBA and SIDAR arrays of silicon strip detectors. Preliminary analysis shows that the single-particle ANC can be constrained. The details of the analysis and prospects for measurements with neutron-rich beams will be presented.