Reinvestigation of Octupole Correlations in 146,147La
High spin states of neutron rich 146,147La have been reinvestigated by γ-γ-γ and γ-γ-γ-γ coincidence data from a 252Cf spontaneous fission experiment by using Gammasphere. Two new bands in 146La have been established. One of them is proposed to be the octupole parity partner of the previously known band. The ground state band of 147La has been established with a proposed 5/2+ bandhead. Angular correlations of cascades have been used to study the spins and parities of the states. The B(E1)/B(E2) ratios and dipole moments between the proposed octupole bands in 146,147La have been measured showing a decreasing trend from 144La to 146La, and from 145La to 147La.