Radiative Neutrino Mass Generation: Models, Flavour and the LHC
Based on a talk presented at the Conference on Cosmology, Gravitational Wave and Particles, 6–10 February 2017, NTU, Singapore.
Radiative neutrino mass models and the seesaw models are viewed from the unifying framework of standard model effective operators that explicitly violate lepton number by two units (ΔL = 2). After some comments on naturalness and leptogenesis in the minimal type 1 seesaw model, a full list of minimal renormalisable models that produce mass dimension-7, ΔL = 2 operators at low energies is presented. By way of example, phenomenological bounds from Run 1 LHC and lepton flavour violation data are then placed on one of these models. A possible connection between radiative neutrino mass models and the current flavour anomalies in b → c and b → s transitions is then described.