Interpretation of LIGO Results Using an Extended Form of Boscovich’s Unified Field Theory
Using an analysis from a physical and phenomenological viewpoint employing the renowned and recognized continuity of the Boscovich force curve, a new paradigm is formulated to explicate various physical phenomena in both the micro-world and the macro-world. Within this paradigm, an algorithm is established which produced a functional representation of the various atomic line spectra of hydrogen and the temperature dependent black-body energy distribution of radiation which compared very favorably with the experimental data. The Boscovichian points which are assumed to be endowed with certain characteristics move under the action of a force (acceleration) field that varies inversely proportional to the cube of the radius from the center of force which leads to an orbit described by an equiangular (logarithmic) spiral. This spiral consists of intercepts that correspond to stable and unstable points on the Boscovich curve. These intercepts are the roots of the equations employed and are described in the Pavia paper. Further representations also produced very favorable results for the photoelectric effect, (to be published). In addition, utilizing the shape of Boscovich’s “extended” curve of force, the prospect of the interpretation of the mysterious attractive and repulsive forces beyond the visible Newtonian region of space, often described in terms of “black holes”, “dark energy”, etc. is proposed. The recent LIGO experiments provides a means of using this extended Boscovich’s to analyze these results and is presented herein.