Chapter 7: Application in All-Solid-State Battery
It is well known that Li batteries are an attractive energy source for portable electronic devices (e.g. laptop computers, cameras, toys, mobile phones, and so on) and transport applications. However, there are still many issues, such as safety issue. All-solid-state battery with a ceramic Li-ion conductor as a solid electrolyte has the following potential advantages [1, 2]:
absence of electrolyte leakage,
high safety because of absence of flammable liquid electrolyte,
absence of problems relating to vaporization of liquid electrolytes,
absence of phase transition of the electrolyte at low temperature, which improves low temperature performance, and
ease of miniaturization
In addition, all-solid-state batteries usually have excellent storage stability and long life due to suppression of side reactions because only Li-ion can move inside the solid electrolyte…