Chapter 2: Towards Conceptualization of SocioBIM-based Post-occupancy Evaluation Framework for Learning Spaces
Higher education institutions (HEIs) produce critical human resources and innovations needed to facilitate economic development. In today’s knowledge-driven economy, constructed spaces at HEIs are critical components, which support learning activities. However, performance of learning environment tends to decline due to design, age, use and maintenance. Several investigations have used post-occupancy evaluation (POE) to examine performance of learning spaces using diverse criteria. But, there is a deficit of research in higher education (HE) facilities assessment and building information modelling (BIM) and facility management (FM) integration. To address this gap, this study aims to develop a conceptual framework for the advancement of a holistic socioBIM-based POE criteria model to assess HE facilities performance. An exploratory research approach was adopted. The study reviews previous studies on BIM–POE integration, POE frameworks and HE facilities evaluations to facilitate criteria extraction, with the input of an expert panel. This enables the formation of an integrated framework with spectrum across diverse facility performance attributes. This integrated framework can scaffold the development of a holistic socioBIM-based POE assessment model for buildings in HE considering its peculiar purpose and for future POE studies.