Chapter 12: Functional Analysis, Hilbert Spaces and Wavelets
A Hilbert space is a set, ℋ of elements, or vectors, (f, g, h, …) which satisfies the following conditions (1) to (5).
(1) If f and g belong to ℋ, then there is a unique element of ℋ, denoted by f + g, the operation of addition (+) being invertible, commutative and associative.
(2) If c is a complex number, then for any f in ℋ, there is an element cf of ℋ; and the multiplication of vectors by complex numbers thereby defined satisfies the distributive conditions
(3) Hilbert spaces ℋ possess a zero element, 0, characterized by the property that 0 + f = f for all vectors f in ℋ.
(4) For each pair of vectors f, g in ℋ, there is a complex number 〈f|g〉, termed the inner product or scalar product of f with g, such that
(5) If {fn} is a sequence in ℋ satisfying the Cauchy condition that