Effect of MRET Activated Water on Staphylococcal Infection in vivo in Animal Model (on the Cells of Immune System) and in vitro on the Culture of Staphylococcus aureus Wood-46
The following sections are included:
Immune Response and the Purpose of Investigation
Functional Activity of Cells of the Immune System of Mice Infected with Staphylococcal Culture Following Preventive Consumption of MRET Water
The methodology of investigation
The examination of functional activity of cells of the phagocytic system
Characteristics of functional activity of the phagocytic system
The extraction of neutrophils of the peripheral blood
The extraction of macrophages from the abdominal cavity
The phagocytic activity of neutrophils and macrophages
The bactericidal activity of neutrophils and macrophages
Statistical calculations
Results and Discussion
The effect of MRET water on the development of the local acute inflammation
The effect of activated water on the death rate of animals in the case of intra-peritoneal staphylococcal infection
The preliminary examination of the effect of activated water on staphylococcal infected mice
The effect of activated water on the cellularity and the weight of lymphoid organs
The effect of activated water on functional activity of cells of the phagocytic system
Conclusions to the section
The Effect of MRET Activation on the Process of Growth of Staphylococcal Culture in Nutrient Medium
Materials and methods of examinations
Results and discussion
Conclusions to the section