Fermi gases with magnetically tunable interactions provide a clean and controllable laboratory system for modelling interparticle interactions between fermions. Near a Feshbach resonance, the s-wave scattering length diverges and Fermi gases are strongly interacting, enabling tests of nonperturbative many-body theories in a variety of disciplines, from high temperature superconductors to neutron matter and quark-gluon plasmas. We measure the entropy and energy of this model system, enabling model-independent comparison with thermodynamic predictions. Our experiments on the expansion dynamics of rotating strongly interacting Fermi gases reveal extremely low viscosity hydrodynamics. Combining the thermodynamic and hydrodynamic measurements enables an estimate of the ratio of the shear viscosity to the entropy density. A strongly interacting Fermi gas in the normal fluid regime is found to be a nearly perfect fluid, where the ratio of the viscosity to the entropy density is close to a universal minimum that has been conjectured by string theory methods. In the weakly interacting regime near a zero crossing in the s-wave scattering length, we observe coherently prepared Fermi gases that slowly evolve into long-lived spin-segregated states that are far from equilibrium and weakly damped.