Science and Shaping our Agricultural Future
The following sections are included:
Food Availability, Access, Absorption and Threats to Food Security
Food availability
Food access
Food Absorption
Threats to food security
Technological Transformation of Productivity, Profitability and Sustainability: Rice
Increasing Production and Productivity
Bridging the yield gap
Defending the gains already achieved
Extending the gains
Making new gains
Small farm management
Vital Areas for Sustainable Advances in Rice Productivity
Evergreen revolution
Research Strategies and Priorities
Overcoming hidden hunger caused by micronutrient deficiencies
Breeding for nutritional quality
Genetic engineering approaches for correcting micronutrient deficiencies
Golden rice
Iron deficiency
Technological Transformation of Productivity, Profitability and Sustainability: Wheat
Progress in yield improvement
Phase I (1900–1930): Early days of Mendelian genetics
Phase II (1930–1960): Enlarging the base of theory and its application
Phase III (1960–1980): The green revolution phase
Phase IV (1980–2000): Transition from Mendelian to molecular breeding
Challenges Ahead
Concerns relating to genetically modified organisms (GMOs)
Expansion of proprietary science
Climate change and safeguarding genetic diversity
Sustaining and Strengthening Agricultural Progress
Community Nutrition and Water Security System
Fostering Job-Led Economic Growth