The Status of Yoga Research in India
Yoga is an ancient Indian way of life which includes specific practices, postures, voluntarily regulated breathing, meditation and philosophical principles. In India research on the effects of yoga began in the 1920s and continues today. While studies on the physiological effects of different practices are the most numerous (but have not been described here as they do not have direct applications), there is also research on the applications of yoga. The most common application is as a form of add-on therapy for a wide range of disorders. These studies have attempted to assess whether yoga is useful or not, and in some cases possible mechanisms have also been studied. Other applications (for example in adaptation to unusually stressful environments) and the use of yoga for stress management are also mentioned. This review has attempted to cover a wide range of applications of yoga practice in different parts of the country. Though there is a possibility that some studies may have been omitted the review shows that the applications of yoga in health are many and varied and are being actively explored.