Government Fiscal Behavior and Economic Growth in Singapore in the Twentieth Century
The following sections are included:
Literature Review
Features of Colonial Government's Finance Behavior
Small Size of the Government
Creation of a Balanced Budget Structure
Weakness of the Colonial Government Macroeconomic Management
Previous Econometric Test on Government Expenditure and Economic Growth
Historical Transitions of the Government's Finance Behavior of Singapore in the Twentieth Century
Government Revenue
Growth of Government Revenue
Changes in Revenue Structure
British Colonial Period (1900–39 and 1950–59)
Self-Government Period (1959–2000)
Government Expenditure
Growth of Government Expenditure
Changes in the Composition of Government Expenditure
Budget Surplus/Deficit and Financial Assets
Econometric Test
Testing Methodology
Empirical Results
Unit Root Test
Cointegration Tests
Granger Causality Tests
Concluding Remarks