Cold Compressed Baryonic Matter with Hidden Local Symmetry and Holography
I describe a novel phase structure of cold dense baryonic matter predicted in a hidden local symmetry approach anchored on gauge theory and in a holographic dual approach based on the Sakai-Sugimoto model of string theory. This new phase is populated with baryons with half-instanton quantum number in the gravity sector which is dual to half-skyrmion in gauge sector in which chiral symmetry is restored while light-quark hadrons are in the color-confined phase. It is suggested that such a phase that aries at a density above that of normal nuclear matter and below or at the chiral restoration point can have a drastic influence on the properties of hadrons at high density, in particular on short-distance interactions between nucleons, e.g., multi-body forces at short distance and hadrons – in particular kaons – propagating in a dense medium. Potentially important consequences on the structure of compact stars will be predicted.