Electron-Phonon Interaction
The following sections are included:
Perturbation computations for the electron-phonon system
Zeroth-order Green's functions from equations of motion
Field operators and single-electron Green's function
Feynman rules for the effective electron-electron interaction
Fourth-order corrections to the phonon Green's function
Spectral function, renormalization constant, and effective mass
Real and imaginary parts of the electron retarded self-energy
Periodic Anderson model
Fourth-order corrections to phonon Green's function at finite temperatures
Time-ordered product of three operators
Evaluation of Matsubara sums
Generalized spin susceptibility of a free electron gas
Pairing susceptibility
Localized electrons
Single impurity
Discontinuity of the momentum distribution
Multiparticle expectation value
Friedel oscillations
Plasma waves
Fermi gas in a spin-dependent external field