When Humans Do Compute Quantum
We suggest that the ordinary human thought can have both the classical and the quantum computational modes. Due to massive parallelism, the quantum computational mode is exponentially faster than its classical counterpart, thus it can account for some extremely rapid mental processes, which humans are generally not aware of. The quantum mode is described by a formal Quantum Object-Language (QOL). The associated (quantum) deductive calculus has full access to the hidden quantum information and can reproduce, step-by step, the whole quantum computational process. The classical computational mode derives from the quantum mode through decoherence, and concerns conscious mental processes. The conscious mind, although it benefits of the very rapid data outputting of the preceding quantum mode, can grasp only a bit of the hidden quantum information. There is also a non-algorithmic mode concerning the meta-thought, which accounts for intention, intuition, and control, and stands at the roots of the unconscious mind The non-algorithmic mode is logically described by a formal Quantum Meta-Language (QML), which “talks about” the QOL. Both the quantum mode and the non-algorithmic mode are physically described by Quantum Physics. However, while the propositions of the former are described by qubits states of Quantum Information, the assertions of the latter are interpreted as quantum fields of a Quantum Field Theory of the brain.