Calculating Space (Rechnender Raum)
Schriften zur Datenverarbeitung, Vol. 1, 1969 Friedrich Vieweg & Sohn, Braunschweig, 74 pp. MIT Technical Translation. Translated for Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Project MAC, by: Aztec School of Languages, Inc., Research Translation Division (164), Maynard, Massachusetts and McLean, Virginia AZT-70-164-GEMIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Project MAC, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139—February 1970.
The work which follows stands somewhat outside the presently accepted method of approach, and it was for this reason rather difficult to find a publisher ready to undertake publication of such a work. For this reason I am indebted to the Vieweg Press and especially to Dr. Schuff for undertaking publication. Dr. Schuff suggested that a summary be printed in the Journal “Elektronische Datenverarbeitung” (Electronic Data Processing), which appeared last year.
The tragic death of Dr. Schuff has deeply shaken his friends, and we will always remember him with affection.